Book of abstracts

The Book of abstracts of the Third International Conference of the journal “Scuola Democratica” collects the abstracts presented at the conference.

Promoters and partners

Main organizer

Scuola Democratica – Learning for Democracy is a cultural association and academic journal dedicated to enriching the scientific and cultural debate on school, university, education, work, and lifelong learning in an organic and cross-cutting manner. It is aimed at researchers, experts, administrators, managers, teachers, trainers, and welcomes their contributions. Scuola Democratica is supported by a scientific network of more than 100 scholars and aims to be a meeting ground, nationally and internationally, between the various disciplines (in particular, anthropology, economics, pedagogy, psychology, and sociology) concerned with issues in education and training. The association is supported by influential institutional partners.

Please find here the Scuola Democratica journal homepage:


CIRD (Centro Interuniversitario per la Ricerca Didattica) is the main research center in Sardinia on educational processes and policies of educational experimentation at school and university level, and in a multi- and interdisciplinary perspective. Its main objective is to foster school-university collaboration and to support the integration of the educational system as a whole. It promotes research and training activities with schools, teaching associations, public agencies, and other research organizations.

The Foundation of Sardinia pursues the public interest and social benefit with special emphasis on the socio-economic development of the Region of Sardinia. It operates by allocating grants or funding to others’ projects and initiatives, or by promoting its own projects and initiatives, including in collaboration with other entities.  It also performs its missions through shareholdings in banking and financial enterprises operating in the territory.

Since its outset in the early 1950s in Bologna, the aim of Il Mulino publishing company has been to contribute to Italian culture through a program of publications that drew significantly from the Anglo-Saxon social sciences, and was inspired by an explicitly empirical and reformist approach. To date, the Mulino’s primary goal is to provide modern instruments for knowing that contribute to political-cultural debate and foster the formation of informed public opinion.

Established in 2012, the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Cagliari is bearer of a tradition of studies and research characterized by interdisciplinarity. It is fully engaged in social, economic and institutional life at regional, national and international levels. The Department of Political and Social Sciences  promotes and coordinates research and teaching in various fields: social, communicative economic-statistical, legal, historical-political-international.

The Conference theme

The third edition of the International Conference of the journal “Scuola Democratica” (June 3-6, 2024, University of Cagliari) is devoted to the needs and prospects of education and/for social justice.

Never before has the theme of social justice been so crucial. This is the case of economic instability spreading from country to country, wars and consequent energy shortages, the climate crisis and resulting demand for a new economic policy of transition to a viable ecological model, migration and its backlash of nationalist protectionism, the protests by women and younger generations in many parts of the world—and many more so. Educational processes—in their broadest meaning which embraces school, university, and training and is targeted towards young as much as adult people—are not unaffected by these challenges. They rather demand choral reflection on the purposes, stakes, setbacks, and achievable futures of education. Indeed, educational poverty and inequality have always been both the cause and effect of social, cultural, and territorial ones. Therefore, it becomes increasingly important today to rethink and put into practice new ideas of justice and educational policy on local, national, and supranational scales. Theoretical reflections and empirical analyses (qualitative and quantitative, large-scale, or focused on specific contexts) that aim at identifying the plurality of factors that contribute to producing inclusion/exclusion, equality/inequality, and recognition/non-recognition of diversity—in other words, social justice and injustice, are warmly welcome.

With this edition, Scuola Democratica and the conference partners aspire to confirm and exceed the success of its First International Conference (2019) and its Second International Conference (2021).

To find out more about the general frame of the conference, please consult the full introduction to the conference.

Book your seat for the Social Dinner (June 7th, 9PM)

The social dinner will take place on June 7th, 9.00PM. The cost for the social dinner is EUR 25.

Please follow this link to book your seat

Please note that registration to SOCIAL DINNER will NOT be available on place at the Conference. Therefore, before or after filling in this form, please dispose a WIRE BANK TRANSFER of EUR 25 to the same bank account you used for the Conference fee:


Associazione “Per Scuola Democratica”
IBAN: IT15R0103003200000006092691

When disposing the wire bank transfer, as reason for the payment, it is necessary to write the following:


Social Dinner_SURNAME (example: Social Dinner_BONACIC)


n order to participate to the social dinner, it is mandatory to book a reservation in advance within May 31st.

Registration is now open

We are very glad to announce you that registration to the First International Conference is now open. You can follow the registration procedure starting from here.


We are pleased to announce that the Call for abstracts for the First International Conference of the Journal “Scuola Democratica” has received more than 520 submissions. Given this huge success, the deadline for submissions is extended to March 10, 2019.

Call for abstracts is now open!

The Call for abstracts of the First International Conference of the Journal “Scuola Democratica” is now officially open.
Thanks to the full and enriching cooperation with our Convenors partners, we have managed to collect 70 valuable track sessions spanning a wide range of relevant thematic streams: politics, diversity, practices, evaluation, digitalization, work, governance, values. All calls for abstracts for the track sessions can be found here:
Submissions can be made *only* via the online platform, after thoroughly reading the guidelines. Abstracts have to be submitted by February 28, 2019 (check Important Dates).